
List of coursework I've taken at Princeton.

* indicates graduate coursework, ‡ indicates A+ grade

Mathematics and Operations Research

MAT474 ‡   Analytical Combinatorics taught by Robert Sedgewick

ORF245   Fundamentals of Statistics taught by Jianqing Fan

ORF309    Probability and Stochastic Systems taught by Ramon van Handel

ORF363   Computing and Optimization for the Physical and Social Sciences taught by Amir Ali Ahmadi

ORF405   Regression and Applied Time Series taught by Jason Klusowski

ORF474   Topics in Operations Research and Financial Engineering: Network Game Theory taught by Rene Carmona

*ORF525   Statistical Foundations of Data Science taught by Jianqing Fan

*ORF526   Probability Theory taught by Elizaveta Rebrova

*ORF527 ‡   Stochastic Calculus taught by Emma Hubert

*ORF550   Topics in Probability: Probability in High Dimension taught by Ramon van Handel

*SML505   Modern Statistics taught by Peter Melchior

Computer Science

COS217   Introduction to Programming Systems taught by Szymon Rusinkiewicz

COS226   Algorithms and Data Structures taught by Kevin Wayne

COS316   Principles of Computer System Design taught by Amit Levy and Ravi Netravali

COS324   Introduction to Machine Learning taught by Jia Deng and Olga Russakovsky

COS333   Advanced Programming Techniques taught by Robert Dondero

COS340   Reasoning About Computation (Discrete Math) taught by Ran Raz

COS445 ‡   Economics and Computation taught by Matt Weinberg and Mark Braverman

COS484    Natural Language Processing taught by Danqi Chen

ECE434   Theoretical Machine Learning taught by Chi Jin

*COS514 ‡   Fundamentals of Deep Learning taught by Sanjeev Arora

*COS521 ‡   Advanced Algorithm Design taught by Matt Weinberg and Huacheng Yu

*COS585   Information Theory and Applications taught by Ran Raz