Here we give an in depth introduction to variational methods for latent variable models.
We work on a probability space \((\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathbb{P})\). Fix a pair of separable metric spaces \(\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Z}\) equipped with their Borel \(\sigma\)-algebras \(\Sigma_1, \Sigma_2\) respectively. (In the case that \(\mathcal{Z}\) is finite, we equip it with the discrete metric, so that \(\Sigma_2\) is the power set \(2^{\mathcal{Z}}\).) We consider a pair of random variables \(X : \Omega \to \mathcal{X}\) and \(Z : \Omega \to \mathcal{Z}\).
Let \(\rho\) denote the joint distribution of \((X,Z)\) on \(\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{Z}\), i.e., \(\rho\) is the push-forward of \(\mathbb{P}\) by the map \(\omega \mapsto (X, Z)(\omega)\). Let \(\mu\) denote the law of \(X\), defined by \(\mu(A) = \rho(A\times \mathcal{Z})\) for each \(A \in \Sigma_1\). Similarly, let \(\nu\) denote the law of \(Z\). By the disintegration theorem
Similarly, there exists a stochastic kernel \(\kappa_{X\mid Z}\) such that for all \((A,B) \in \Sigma_1 \times \Sigma_2\), we have
\[\rho(A \times B) = \int_B \kappa_{X\mid Z}(z,A) \nu(dz).\]Intuitively, the maps \(\kappa_{Z\mid X}\) and \(\kappa_{X\mid Z}\) represent the conditional distribution of \(Z\) given \(X\) and the conditional distribution of \(X\) given \(Z\), respectively.
Throughout this work, we will often identify distributions with their densities. Let \(f_{X}: \mathcal{X} \to [0, +\infty)\) be the density of \(\mu\) with respect to a reference measure \(\lambda\) on \(\mathcal{X}\), i.e. the Radon-Nikodym derivative \(\frac{d\mu}{d\lambda}\). The existence of this density is ensured by the Radon-Nikodym Theorem
Similarly, let \(f_{Z}: \mathcal{Z} \to [0,+\infty)\) be the density of \(\nu\) with respect to a reference measure on \(\mathcal{Z}\). For each \(z \in \mathcal{Z}\), we let \(f_{X\mid Z}(\cdot \mid z): \mathcal{X} \to [0,+\infty)\) denote the density of the conditional measure \(\kappa_{X\mid Z}(z, \cdot)\). For each \(x \in \mathcal{X}\), we let \(f_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x): \mathcal{Z} \to [0,+\infty)\) denote the density of the conditional measure \(\kappa_{Z\mid X}(x, \cdot)\).
Given a pair of probability measures \(\xi,\eta\) on a measurable space \((\mathcal{M}, \Sigma)\), the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of \(\xi\) from \(\eta\) is defined as
\[D_{\text{KL}}(\xi \mid \mid \eta) = \mathbb{E}_{z \sim \xi}\left[\log \frac{d\xi}{d\eta}(z)\right]\]when \(\xi \ll \eta\) and \(+\infty\) otherwise. Given the Lebesgue measure \(\lambda\) on \((\mathbb{R}^d, \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^d))\), if \(\xi\) is a probability measure on \((\mathbb{R}^d, \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^d))\), then if \(\xi \ll \lambda\) with \(\frac{d\xi}{d\lambda} \log \frac{d\xi}{d\lambda} \in L^1(\mathbb{R}^d, \mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^d), \lambda)\), the differential entropy of \(\xi\) is defined as
\[h(\xi) = -\mathbb{E}_{z \sim \xi}\left[\log \frac{d\xi}{d\lambda}(z)\right],\]and the differential entropy is \(+\infty\) otherwise.
In what follows, \(\mathcal{X}\) can be interpreted as the data space and \(\mathcal{Z}\) can be interpreted as the latent space. When we assume that a latent space exists, we are making a generative assumption. As we will see, the latent space can differ depending on the problem setting, but some common examples include categorical labels and embeddings in Euclidean space. To the reader unfamiliar with measure-theoretic probability, one can interpret the notions of distributions and densities in the classical sense for what follows.\(\newcommand{\argmax}{\text{argmax}}\)\(\newcommand{\argmin}{\text{argmin}}\)
We are given a set of i.i.d samples from the data distribution \(\mu\). We denote these datapoints \(\{x_i\}_{i = 1}^n\), where \(x_i \in \mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d\). We attempt to learn \(\mu\) via maximum likelihood. In line with our earlier discussion, we make the following generative assumption on the data: for each \(i \in [n]\),
Throughout, we assume the prior \(f_{Z}\) is known. One way to learn the marginal distribution of $X$ is to postulate a parametric family \((f^{\theta}_{X\mid Z}(\cdot\mid z))_{\theta\in\Theta}\) of densities for each \(z \in \mathcal{Z}\). This induces a parametric family \((f^{\theta}_X(\cdot))_{\theta\in\Theta}\) of marginal distributions on \(X\), where we define
\[f^{\theta}_X(x) := \int_{\mathcal{Z}} f^{\theta}_{X\mid Z}(x\mid z) f_Z(z) dz.\]We learn the marginal distribution of \(X\) by solving for the maximum likelihood estimator \(\hat{\theta}_{ML}\). Since our samples \(x_i\) are independent, the maximum likelihood estimator is given by
\[\begin{align}\label{log-likelihood} \hat{\theta}_{ML} = \underset{\theta}{\argmax} \: \ell(\theta) = \underset{\theta}{\argmax} \:\sum_{i=1}^n \log f_X^{\theta}(x_i). \end{align}\]Using our generative assumption and the law of total probability, Equation \(\eqref{log-likelihood}\) can be written as
\[\hat{\theta}_{ML} = \underset{\theta}{\argmax} \:\ell(\theta) = \underset{\theta}{\argmax} \: \sum_{i =1}^n \log \left(\int_{\mathcal{Z}}f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x_i\mid z)f_Z(z)dz\right).\]Unfortunately, the objective function requires the computation of a potentially high-dimensional integral, and in certain settings this is a non-convex optimization problem. As such, we manipulate the objective to obtain a more tractable optimization problem. For simplicity, we work with a single sample \(x\) below, and we extend the derivation to our full dataset at the end.
We seek a proxy for the log likelihood \(\log f_X^{\theta}(x)\). We derive a lower bound using the following trick. We introduce a parametrized family of posteriors \((f_{Z\mid X}^{\phi}(\cdot\mid x))_{\phi\in \Phi}\), and we manipulate the KL divergence \(D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X} (\cdot\mid x) \mid \mid f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x))\) until \(\log f_X^{\theta}(x)\) appears.
We rewrite this KL divergence as follows. By Bayes’ rule, \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(z\mid x) = \frac{f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z) f_Z(z)}{f_X^{\theta}(x)}\), so that
\[\begin{align*} \frac{f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(z\mid x)}{f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(z\mid x)} = \frac{f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(z\mid x)}{f_Z(z)} \cdot \frac{f_X^{\theta}(x)}{f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z)}. \end{align*}\]We manipulate the equation to make the prior \(f_Z\) appear. This technique leads to a prior matching term. The KL objective becomes
\[\begin{align*} &\mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)}\left[\log \frac{f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(z\mid x)}{f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(z\mid x)}\right] \\ &= \mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)}\left[\log \frac{f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(z\mid x)}{f_Z(z)}+ \log f_X^{\theta}(x) - \log f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z)\right] \\ &= (D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x) \mid \mid f_Z(\cdot)) - \mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)}[\log f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z)]) + \log f_X^{\theta}(x). \end{align*}\]Notice that the log likelihood appears in this manipulation. Isolating this log likelihood, we obtain
\[\begin{align*} \log f_X^{\theta}(x) &= D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X} (\cdot\mid x) \mid \mid f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x)) \\ &+ ( \mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)}[\log f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z)] - D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x) \mid \mid f_Z(\cdot)) ). \end{align*}\]The quantity in parentheses is called the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO):
\[\begin{align*} \text{ELBO} := ( \mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)}[\log f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z)] - D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x) \mid \mid f_Z(\cdot)) ). \end{align*}\]Indeed, since the KL divergence appearing in the preceding equation is non-negative, the ELBO is a lower bound for the “evidence” \(\log f_X^{\theta}(x)\).
The first term is called the reconstruction term. This term forces the likelihood of a latent variable \(z\) sampled from the posterior to be large. The second term is the prior matching term. This term forces our learned posterior to be close to the prior. The prior matching term is also known as entropy regularization.
Note that in general, if we know the prior \(f_Z(\cdot)\) and the sampling distribution \(f_{X\mid Z}(\cdot\mid z)\), then this completely specifies the joint distribution \(f_{X,Z}(x,z)\) via the formula \(f_{X,Z}(x,z) = f_{X\mid Z}(x\mid z) f_Z(z)\). In particular, this completely specifies the posterior \(f_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)\). Thus, if we learn \(f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid z)\), we induce a posterior \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x)\) via the formula
\[f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta} (z\mid x) = \frac{f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z) f_Z(z)}{\int_{\mathcal{Z}} f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z) f_Z(z) dz}.\]However, computing the denominator involves a complicated integral. Therefore it’s simpler to separately parametrize the sampling and posterior distributions by \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) respectively when optimizing the ELBO.
Returning to the setting of \(n\) samples, we sum the ELBO for each $x_i$ to obtain the objective
\[\begin{align*} (\theta^*, \phi^*) = \underset{\theta, \phi}{\argmax} \: \sum_{i=1}^n ( \mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x_i)}[\log f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x_i\mid z)] - D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x_i) \mid \mid f_Z(\cdot)) ). \end{align*}\]Notice that \(\theta^* \neq \hat{\theta}_{ML}\). However, since we optimized a lower bound on the original problem \eqref{log-likelihood}, the hope is that the two quantities are close. Indeed, if \(\phi^*\) is such that \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\phi^*}(\cdot\mid x)\) agrees with the posterior \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^*}(\cdot\mid x)\), then the log likelihood coincides with the ELBO. In this case, \(f_X^{\theta^*}\) coincides with our maximum likelihood estimator of the data distribution.
As a sidenote, the ELBO is related to the field of variational inference (VI). In VI, the goal is to approximate the true posterior \(f_{Z\mid X}(\cdot \mid x)\) using a parametric family \((f_{Z\mid X}^{\phi}(\cdot\mid x))_{\phi \in \Phi}\) of densities for each \(x\in \mathcal{X}\). In VI, the optimal \(\phi\) is computed by minimizing the KL divergence, which is a type of variational problem.
The ELBO looks very much like the right-hand side of the Gibbs variational principle.
The left-hand side can be expanded as
\[\int_{\mathcal{Z}} f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z) f_Z(z) dz = f_X^{\theta}(x).\]Next, note that
\[\text{RHS} \geq \max_{\phi}\mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)}[\log f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z)] - D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x) \mid \mid f_Z(\cdot)).\]Plugging in, we find
\[\log f_X^{\theta}(x) \geq \text{ELBO},\]which is exactly the statement that the ELBO is a lower bound on the log likelihood for any pair \((\theta,\phi)\). We have equality in the case that the parametric family \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\phi}(\cdot\mid x)\) consists of all probability distributions on \(\mathcal{Z}\).
Suppose we optimize the ELBO to obtain \((\theta^*, \phi^*)\). Denote our learned posterior distribution by \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\phi^*}(\cdot\mid x)\) and sampling distribution by \(f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta^*}(\cdot\mid z)\). A typical use of a learned VAE is the generation of new samples from \(\mathcal{X}\). We refer to this as the generation task.
For this task we are given some input data \(x \in \mathcal{X}\). We encode it to get the corresponding latent representation by modelling the distribution \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\phi^*}(\cdot\mid x)\) over \(\mathcal{Z}\) space as \(N(\mu_{\phi^*}(x), \text{diag}(\sigma^2_{\phi^*}(x)))\) where the mean and covariance functions are typically Feedforward Neural Networks \(\mu_{\phi^*}: \mathcal{X} \to \mathbb{R}^m\) and \(\sigma^2_{\phi^*}: \mathcal{X} \to \mathbb{R}^m_+\).
Sampling from \(N(\mu_{\phi^*}(x), \text{diag}(\sigma^2_{\phi^*}(x)))\) yields the relevant latent \(z\). From here one can decode it by sampling \(\tilde{x}\) from \(f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta^*}(\cdot\mid z)\), which is a distribution over \(\mathcal{X}\) space. Once again this is modelled as \(N(\mu_{\theta^*}(z), \text{diag}(\sigma^2_{\theta^*}(z)))\) where the mean and covariance functions are typically Feedforward Neural Networks \(\mu_{\theta^*}: \mathcal{Z} \to \mathbb{R}^d\) and \(\sigma^2_{\theta^*}: \mathcal{Z} \to \mathbb{R}^m_+\). Overall, the forward pass yields \(\tilde{x}\) as the reconstruction of \(x\).
Given a learned VAE, there are two steps to generate a new sample. First, sample a latent \(z\) from the prior distribution \(f_Z(\cdot)\) on the space \(\mathcal{Z}\). Then, decode this latent \(z\) by sampling \(x\) from the learned sampling distribution \(f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta^*}(\cdot\mid z)\) on the space \(\mathcal{X}\). This sampling distribution is modeled as the Gaussian \(N(\mu_{\theta^*}(z), \text{diag}(\sigma^2_{\theta^*}(z)))\), where the mean and covariance functions are typically Feed-Forward Neural Networks \(\mu_{\theta^*}: \mathcal{Z} \to \mathbb{R}^d\) and \(\sigma^2_{\theta^*}: \mathcal{Z} \to \mathbb{R}^d_+\).
It might seem surprising that we model the posterior and sampling distributions as Gaussians. To see why this works, consider the generation task in the special case that \(\sigma_{\theta^*}^2 = 0\). In this setting, we first sample \(z\) from the prior, a standard Gaussian, and then we apply the deterministic map \(\mu_{\theta^*}\) to obtain the sample \(x = \mu_{\theta^*}(z)\). The distribution of \(x\) is the pushforward of the standard Gaussian by the map \(\mu_{\theta^*}\). Since \(\mu_{\theta^*}\) is modeled as a neural network, it can be a very complicated function. Thus the distribution of the sample \(x\) can also be very complex.
We are given a set of images \(\{x_i\}_{i = 1}^n \subseteq \mathcal{X}\), where \(\mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d\). This could be a set of images of animals, digits, etc. We wish to generate new images which did not exist in our dataset and ensure that they still look accurate.
Suppose \(\mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d\) is the space of all animal images. In the categorical setting, the latent space \(\mathcal{Z}\) is a finite set \([m]\), and each category represents a different type of animal. Alternatively, we could simply consider \(\mathcal{Z} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^m\). In our dataset, we do not have access to the latent variable \(z_i\) corresponding to each \(x_i\). In real-world datasets, \(\mathcal{X}\) concentrates around a low-dimensional subspace of the ambient \(\mathbb{R}^d\).
At this point one can postulate the same data generation algorithm and optimization problem as in MLE Section. Solving that problem would yield a learned sampling distribution that could be used to generate new images of animals in a given latent \(z\). However, we must select an appropriate prior distribution. Two options are:
Even if our latent space is discrete in this case, the computations above work so long as the posterior has the same discrete support as the prior.
Alternatively, this task can be approached using the Vector Quantized-VAE (VQ-VAE) introduced in
In this section, we discuss how to train a VAE, following
Suppose we want to perform a single step of gradient descent on the ELBO. First, we replace the expectation \(\mathbb{E}_{z\sim f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot \mid x)}\) with an empirical average. For each \(i\in [n]\), sample \(\{ z_i^{(\ell)} \}_{\ell\in [L]}\) i.i.d. from the posterior \(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot \mid x_i)\). The empirical objective is given by
\[\begin{align*} \underset{\theta, \phi}{\argmax} \: \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{L} \sum_{\ell=1}^L \log f^{\theta}_{X\mid Z}(x_i\mid z_i^{(\ell)}) - \sum_{i=1}^n D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot \mid x_i) \mid \mid f_Z(\cdot)) \end{align*}\](The law of large numbers implies that the empirical objective converges almost surely to the population objective as \(L\to \infty\).) Suppose we compute the gradient with respect to \(\phi\). If we treat the sampled \(z_i^{(\ell)}\)’s as constants, then we fail to take into account the dependence of the first sum on \(\phi\), and our gradient will be inaccurate. In order to make the dependence of the \(z_i^{(\ell)}\)’s on \(\phi\) explicit, we must reparametrize \(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x_i)\). Since \(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)\) is the Gaussian \(N(\mu_{\phi}(x), \text{diag}(\sigma^2_{\phi}(x)))\), a sample from this distribution can be written as \(z = \mu_{\phi}(x) + \sigma_{\phi}(x) \odot \varepsilon\), where \(\varepsilon \sim N(0,I)\) and where \(\odot\) is the element-wise product. Crucially, the distribution of \(\varepsilon\) has no dependence on \(\phi\). Thus if we rewrite \(z_i^{(\ell)}\) as \(z_i^{(\ell)} = \mu_{\phi}(x_i) + \sigma_{\phi}(x_i) \odot \varepsilon_i^{(\ell)}\) where \(\varepsilon_i^{(\ell)}\) are i.i.d. \(N(0,I)\), our objective becomes
\[\begin{align*} \underset{\theta, \phi}{\argmax} \: \sum_{i=1}^n \left[\frac{1}{L} \sum_{\ell=1}^L \log f^{\theta}_{X\mid Z}(x_i \mid \mu_{\phi}(x_i) + \sigma_{\phi}(x_i) \odot \varepsilon_i^{(\ell)}) - D_{\text{KL}}(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot \mid x_i) \mid \mid f_Z(\cdot))\right]. \end{align*}\]Since the dependence on \(\phi\) is made explicit, we can treat the \(\varepsilon_i^{(\ell)}\)’s as constant and compute the gradient with respect to \(\theta,\phi\). When performing gradient descent, at each iteration \(t\), given current parameter estimates \((\theta^t, \phi^t)\), we sample a fresh set of noise variables \(\{ \varepsilon_{i; t}^{(\ell)} \}_{\ell \in [L]}\) for each \(i\in [n]\), and we compute the gradient of the resulting objective.
The VAE is related to the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which can be used for model-based clustering of the dataset \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^n\) where \(x_i \in \mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R} ^d\). The EM algorithm is an unsupervised learning algorithm that uses the same generative assumptions as above. As above, we derive EM through a variational route. We start with a single sample \(x\).
Suppose that we parametrize the prior and sampling distributions as \(f_Z^{\theta}\) and \(f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}\) for some parameter \(\theta\). Since the joint distribution is determined by the prior and sampling distributions, this induces a parametrization of the joint and the posterior distributions. In what follows, we write \(f_{X,Z}^{\theta}\) and \(f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}\) as the induced parametrizations.
Notice that the marginal log likelihood \(\log f_X^{\theta}(x)\) is actually equal to the ELBO objective from Equation \eqref{elbo}, since we use the induced \(\theta\) posterior.
Rewriting the expectation as an integral, and applying Bayes’ rule we find
\[= \int_{\mathcal{Z}}\log\left(\frac{f_{X\mid Z}^{\theta}(x\mid z)f_Z^{\theta}(z)}{f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(z\mid x)}\right)f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(z\mid x)dz = \int_{\mathcal{Z}}\log\left(\frac{f_{X,Z}^{\theta}(x,z)}{f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(z\mid x)}\right)f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(z\mid x)dz.\]Splitting the log once more, the right-hand side becomes
\[= \mathbb{E}_{z \sim f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x)}[\log f^{\theta}_{X,Z}(x,z)] + h(f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x)).\]The first term is an expected full-data log likelihood, and the second term is the differential entropy of the posterior. Since the differential entropy is non-negative, it’s natural to instead optimize the lower bound
\[\begin{equation*} \underset{\theta, \phi}{\argmax} \: \mathbb{E}_{z\sim f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x)}[\log f_{X,Z}^{\theta}(x,z)], \end{equation*}\]This is known as the EM objective function derived via the variational method. Returning to the full sample, we find the objective
\[\begin{equation}\label{EMobj} \underset{\theta, \phi}{\argmax} \:\sum_{i = 1}^n\mathbb{E}_{z\sim f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x_i)}[\log f_{X,Z}^{\theta}(x_i,z)]. \end{equation}\]The difficulty in solving this optimization problem is that for each term, both the integrand and the distribution of \(z\) depend on \(\theta\).
Instead of directly optimizing the objective, the EM algorithm “decouples” the two occurrences of \(\theta\) through an iterative approach, alternating between two steps. It falls within the much broader class of Majorization-Minimization (MM) algorithms. At iteration $t$, we keep a current estimate \(\theta^t\) of the parameter \(\theta\). In the first step, the Expectation Step, we compute the expectation
\[\ell(\theta;\theta^t) := \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{E}_{z\sim f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(z\mid x_i)}[\log f_{X,Z}^{\theta}(x_i,z)] .\]This serves as our current approximation of the expected full-data log likelihood objective. In the second step, the Maximization Step, we maximize this proxy to obtain the new estimate \(\theta^{t+1} := \argmax_{\theta} \ell(\theta;\theta^t)\). We repeat until the iterates \(\{\theta^t\}\) converge. In some cases, as shown later the function \(\ell(\theta;\theta^t)\) has a closed form.
We must redo our ELBO derivation in order to justify the EM algorithm; we follow
If we evaluate this identity at \(\theta=\theta^t\), we obtain
\[\log f_X^{\theta^t}(x) = \ell(\theta^t;\theta^t) + h(f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(\cdot\mid x)).\]Taking the difference between these two equations, we obtain
\[\begin{align*} (\log f_X^{\theta}(x) - \log f_X^{\theta^t}(x)) &= \left(\ell(\theta;\theta^t) - \ell(\theta^t;\theta^t)\right)\\ &+ \left( - \mathbb{E} _{z\sim f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(\cdot\mid x)}[\log f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta}(\cdot\mid x)] - h(f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(\cdot\mid x)) \right). \end{align*}\]We claim that the second term on the right-hand side is non-negative, with equality when \(\theta=\theta^t\). Indeed, this follows from the non-negativity of the KL divergence.
In other words, we obtain
\[\log f_X^{\theta}(x) - \log f_X^{\theta^t}(x) \ge \ell(\theta;\theta^t) - \ell(\theta^t;\theta^t).\]Thus if the iteration at step $t$ increases the function \(\ell(\cdot ; \theta^t)\), it also increases the value of the marginal log likelihood by that same amount.
We make the above explicit in the special case of a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
This makes it clear that the posterior and the joint distribution can indeed be parametrized by $\theta$.
We initialize our parameters at step $0$ randomly and denote the vector as \(\theta^0\). Our EM update at iteration \(t\) consists of two steps:
Expectation Step: We wish to compute the expectation as a function of \(\theta\) given our current best estimate of the parameters \(\theta^t\). We obtain
\[\begin{align*} \ell(\theta; \theta^t)&= \sum_{i = 1}^n\mathbb{E}_{z\sim f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(z\mid x_i)}[\log f_{X,Z}^{\theta}(x_i,z)]\\ &= \sum_{i =1}^n \sum_{j = 1}^m \log f_{X,Z}^{\theta}(x_i, j)f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(j\mid x_i)\\ &= \sum_{i =1}^n \sum_{j = 1}^m \left(\log \pi_j + \log \varphi(x_i; \mu_j, \Sigma_j)\right) \cdot \frac{\pi_j^t \varphi(x_i; \mu_j^t, \Sigma_j^t)}{\sum_{l =1}^m \pi_l^t \varphi(x_i; \mu_l^t, \Sigma_l^t)}. \end{align*}\]where we used Bayes’ rule and plugged in our earlier results in the last line.
Maximization Step: We compute our next best estimate of the parameters by optimizing the function \(\ell(\theta,\theta^t)\) derived above:
\[\theta^{t+1} = \underset{\theta = \{\pi_j, \mu_j, \Sigma_j\}_{j =1}^m}{\argmax} \ell(\theta; \theta^t).\]It is easy to verify by optimizing the relevant Lagrangian that \(\theta^{t+1}\) has components
\[\begin{align*} \pi_j^{t+1} &= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(j\mid x_i),\\ \mu_j^{t+1} &= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(j\mid x_i) x_i}{\sum_{i=1}^nf_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(j\mid x_i)},\\ \Sigma_j^{t+1} &= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(j\mid x_i) (x_i- \mu^{t+1})(x_i- \mu^{t+1})^{\top}}{\sum_{i=1}^n f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^t}(j\mid x_i)} \end{align*}\]for all \(j \in [m]\).
We repeat these iterations until the iterates \(\{\theta_t\}_{t \geq 0}\) satisfy satisfy some preimposed convergence condition. By our majorization guarantee, each iteration increases the log likelihood.
If one wishes to label the dataset \(\{x_i\}_{i=1}^n\), one can simply consider the final parameter vector \(\theta^*\) and for each \(i \in [n]\) set the label to be
\[z_i = \underset{j \in [m]}{\argmax} \: f_{Z\mid X}^{\theta^*}(j\mid x_i).\]Furthermore, the K-Means Algorithm is a special case of this when all the covariances are isotropic, i.e., \(\Sigma_j = \sigma^2 I_d\) for some known parameter \(\sigma^2\)
We have applied EM to the GMM, but it applies to other distributions as well. In
In this section, we discuss a few issues with VAEs and how to fix them, following
One issue is that at times, VAEs can learn ``uninformative latent codes.” In some situations, the learned posterior \(f^{\phi}_{Z\mid X}(\cdot\mid x)\) is very similar for different values of $x$. According to
We supply relevant code for implementing a Variational Autoencoder using the setup from the paper, which can be found at here. Furthermore, the original paper can be found here.
Just as a formality, if you want to cite this for whatever reason, use the BibTeX below.
title = "Variational Autoencoders and the EM Algorithm",
author = "Saha, Dwaipayan", "Joshi, Sunay"
year = "2024",
month = "August",
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